Clocking Time With…Amber Osmar

According to, “OG” is defined as “a slang term for someone who’s incredibly exceptional, authentic, or ‘old-school.’ It can be earnestly used for a legend like Michael Jordan or more ironically, like for that friend who can unwrap a Starburst with their mouth.”  And while Amber Osmar is not a famous athlete or someone who unwraps candy in an unconventional way (she does admit to being able to pick things up with her toes…), she is an RTC “OG,” who has been with the gym since its garage days, and she has been named the July Member of the Month.

It was well before those RTC garage days that Amber discovered her love of CrossFit.  She says she was not an athlete in high school, and didn’t begin focusing on her health until her early 20’s, during which she spent a few years at chain gyms and the YMCA, not “serious” or “engaged” in her workouts.  It wasn’t until later that one of her work clients opened a CrossFit gym and talked her into trying it.  “By the end of that first class (Annie?), I was in love,” says Amber.

Amber was dealing with many changes in her life when the old RTC location opened.  “I had started a new job and my Mom was diagnosed with cancer,” she says.  “I needed the flexibility of 24/7 access and I needed to follow my community that was built there.  I needed to have that space as a little safe zone, and be with people that knew what was going on in my life and would remind me to give myself the grace that I needed.”  

Since then, RTC has flourished and grown, and Amber appreciates not just the supportive community, but also the programming and the pristine facility.  And this girl loves a good barbell workout!  “RTC’s growth is a wonderful thing,” she says.  “I can barely keep up with the new faces! And Allie has definitely found the best people around to coach and run her facility. It’s impressive.  RTC is well managed, clean, and meticulously put together, with the flow of the classes always kept in mind. CF workouts are always different and able to be scaled to what an individual needs without taking away the work. The element of surprise keeps me engaged. Ultimately, it’s the barbell work. I understand the importance of dumbbells and other auxiliary movements, but the barbell is what makes me want to come back over and over again!” 

Amber is one of those special people who gets their workout in early, and is a regular face at the 5:30 AM class.  She finds that starting her day with a workout helps her to maintain consistency.  “Back in my YMCA days, I always went in the morning. It was more calm and less busy,” she says.  “When I switched to CF, I started going at  5:30-5:45 PM. I made the switch back to mornings after I moved home from NC and after the Covid shutdown. I needed to change something to get me back to the gym.  I would dread going after work, and became very inconsistent with my workouts. I think the idea of a smaller class and just having it out of the way made the switch from the PM class to AM a lot more appealing. Now I can’t imagine going back to evenings…even if I miss the 5:45 people!”

Amber graduated from Lake High School, and works as an administrative assistant at a tax accounting firm in Canton.  She lives in Navarre with Justin, her partner of 10 years, along with cat Izzy and turtle Mel Bushman. Family connections are important to her, and in addition to her 2 brothers, she has a large extended family that resides in both OH and NC.  She notes that she “spends most of her free time with friends and family.”  When she’s not working or at the gym, Amber enjoys many outdoor activities, including kayaking, biking, and walking the towpath.  She’s happy that she can go to concerts again, and also enjoys listening to/playing music and reading.

Self-described as “awkward, charming, loyal, and anxious,” Amber has simple goals for the future that include “finding a passion and pursuing it as a career,” and continuing to place a high value on prioritizing her health.  “I want to get back on track with my nutrition/macros,” she says, “because it is the missing piece to my routine.”  Like many of us, Amber is “taking it one day at a time.”  “I want to be healthy and strong,” she says.  “RTC has been crucial in changing the way my brain views being healthy.  I am stronger now than I have ever been, and (on a good day) I can feel comfortable and confident in my own body.”

If an “OG” is defined as someone who is “exceptional” or “authentic,” then Amber Osmar fits the bill.  Not only is she hardworking and strong, she’s also a warm and welcoming person.  And now back to that special talent Amber mentioned…if you’re taking a class next to her, ask her to show off those toe skills.  Maybe she can help you clean up your box when the workout ends!  All joking aside, congrats to Amber, an RTC “OG” who is most deserving of being named the July Member of the Month!