Clocking Time With…Nicole & Dan Weiss

If RTC members Dan and Nicole Weiss seem like a perfect match, well, they are, at least according to the very un-scientific data collected to write this article.  Both Dan and Nicole answered questions to test their knowledge of each other, and, for the most part, their responses showed that they know each other well.  But more on that later…

Dan and Nicole joined RTC in the fall of 2019.  Nicole had promised Dan that she would get back to consistent workouts after a couple years of traveling for work between Ohio and Chicago.  Some family and friends recommended RTC, so Nicole talked Dan into joining her for the first month.  It didn’t take long for both of them to be hooked.

Continued below…

Author: Steph Irwin

Each has rave reviews for the RTC coaching staff.  “When I joined RTC I had not done any formal exercise in years, and my goals were to find a fitness routine I would stick with and improve my health,” says Nicole.  “I have gotten more out of it than what I expected.  The coaches are all unbelievably patient. I can’t say enough about how each of them has helped me.  Every single class I learn something new.”  Dan, a former high school athlete and baseball player at Ohio University, says that RTC “helped spark my motivation to be far more regimented in the weight room like I was in college.”  He adds, “Every single coach in this gym is phenomenal.  They consistently go out of their way to help you with form, weights, motivation, etc. This was huge for me coming into a CF gym, having done very few of this style of workouts and being a bit intimidated.  The coaches played a key role in our development over the last year.  I am grateful for their extra push day in and day out.”

Both Dan and Nicole also love the variety and efficiency of the workouts that RTC offers.  Nicole finds CrossFit to be “fun” because “every day is something different.”  “It’s impossible to get bored,” she says.  “I love the challenge of having endless skills to learn.”  Dan says that writing his own routines for years was “getting a little stale,” and he was “hooked immediately” on the CrossFit workouts.  “In a certain sense,” he says, “it reminds me of so many years of looking up practice schedules, drills, games, etc., so jumping into Wodify knowing what the next day’s programming has planned is incredible. There’s nothing better than having everything preplanned and at your fingertips.”

This sweet couple met on the campus of Ohio University, a day that Dan vividly recalls, saying he “picked her up with a friend in my white Saturn on the West Green in 2003, and the rest is history.”  Nicole remembers their first date being on her 20th birthday, which was a triple date to a Mexican restaurant.  They were married in Chicago 9 years later.  Nicole currently works as an insurance agent with her dad and brother at Radosevic Insurance, her family’s business in North Canton, while Dan buys and sells ingredients used to manufacture renewable fuel.  They have two 13 year old cats named Wilson and Josie, and they enjoy a variety of hobbies.  Dan “attempts to play” the guitar, watches movies, reads fiction, and goes for the “occasional trail run.”  Nicole enjoys baking and eating vegan sweets, and likes to travel, kayak, hike, and play tennis.

So how well do Dan and Nicole really know each other?  Here are the results of the official “How Well Do You Know Each Other? survey (all results have been certified):

Both agree Nicole is late and Dan is on time.

Both agree Nicole is messy and Dan is neat.

Nicole said Dan’s best personality trait is that everyone likes him, and Dan agrees that he is a friendly guy.

Dan said Nicole’s best personality trait is her compassion, while Nicole says that “she’s always in a good mood.”  That’s pretty close, so we’ll give them that one.

Dan says he fell for Nicole first, while Nicole says they both fell at the same time.  That’s so cute, we’ll give them that one, too.

Dan’s favorite movie is The Big Lebowski, and Nicole’s is Uncle Buck.  Nicole knew Dan’s, but Dan said Nicole’s favorite is As Good as It Gets.  Subtract a point for Dan (if you’re keeping score, which I hope you’re not).

Dan’s favorite food is pasta, while Nicole said it was any green vegetable.  Nicole’s is mac and cheese, and Dan said it was vegan chili mac, so Dan gets his pretend point back.

Nicole is in charge.  Survey results were very clear on this point.

Dan’s favorite exercise is squats, while Nicole said he likes running and squats.  Nicole’s favorite exercises are running and squats, but Dan had the audacity to say she likes burpees best.  Big point deduction for that response, Dan!

Dan’s LEAST favorite exercise is the snatch, but Nicole said it’s toes to bar and deadlifts. Nicole’s LEAST favorite exercises are rowing and wall balls, and Dan got that one right when he said she doesn’t like rowing.  (This could be due to the fact that Nicole says a most embarrassing moment occurred during one of her first Saturday workouts at RTC, when she fell off the rower.  Apparently you can talk to Steph Miller to verify this story, as Steph literally picked her up and put her back on the machine.)

And lastly, who is the most competitive??  Dan wins by a landslide 2 votes!

The survey results have been tallied, and the results are clear.  Dan and Nicole Weiss are a perfectly matched couple, because it’s a well known fact that the couple who squats together stays together!   But perhaps Dan’s words best sum up their relationship, when he was asked what he most likes about working out with Nicole: “Everything! It is a lot of fun knowing deep inside an AMRAP that we’re both suffering together. This is the best shape Nicole has ever been in and it’s been so fun watching and improving together both physically and mentally. Plus, I just like having my best friend with me.:)”

Congrats to Dan and Nicole, our latest featured members!  RTC is lucky to have this amazing couple!

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