Strong women.

May we know them.
May we be them.
May we raise them. 

Today is Mother’s Day – and to honor, support, empower, and champion our strong moms, we asked our RTC community to chime in and highlight why being a strong mom makes a positive impact on their lives. 

Check out the submissions below of the strong moms within our RTC community!

Jeanine Booker
Kids:  Blake (7), Brycen (5)
“My kids have endless energy, so being strong and healthy helps me to keep up with them and it helps me to instill in them that taking care of yourself is important.”

How does RTC help you do this? RTC gives me a place where I can go to not only work on my physical health, but it’s also a great stress reliever so I can handle my day with a little more patience.  My kids have a safe and clean environment to watch from, where they get to see so many athletes working to become better versions of themselves. There are so many amazing role models at RTC.  Plus, they get to try some of the fun too in the kids class! 

Hillary Buckler
Kids:  Owyn (16)
“I want to be around for a long time. To annoy him(my son), to see all of his accomplishments and happiness. To see some grandkids maybe? If he decides…a long long long time from now. I want him to be healthy and strong. I wasn’t able to lead by example when he was younger. I hope that he will follow now. Maybe, someday he will be ready to join RTC with me.”

How does RTC help you do this? By existing, being supportive, being a place I want to come back to every day.

Katherine Farley-White
Kids:  Jake (25), Lauren (21)
“I want to be around for all the important moments in my kid’s lives and enjoy grand babies someday!”

How does RTC help you do this? RTC has helped to motivate me to work towards all my life goals not just fitness! 

Christine Ferrante
Kids:  Olivia (20), Christian (17)
“When my kids were younger I didn’t prioritize exercising as a part of being healthy for myself. Now that I’m getting into those “golden years” ????, working out consistently and making good progress with nutrition I’d like to think my kids know they can be strong and healthy at any age.”

How does RTC help you do this? The coaches and coaching at RTC have helped me believe in myself that I can do all of the different and difficult movements in the workouts. Learning about proper nutrition and how to eat correctly for me (and have fun doing it). Making friends that have the same basic goals. Having fun at every step. Things that are all important in having a healthy relationship with myself.

Sarah Fister
Kids:  Madison (9), Mckenzie (7), Hailey (5), Colton (3)
“It’s important because I want to be with them for a long time! I want to see all their important milestones as they grow up. I know I’m not in control of how long I live, but for as much control of my health as I do have- I want to do well with it! I want them to see a mom who takes care of her body and also pushes it to be stronger. I want them to see it’s awesome for women to be strong! I want to have energy for them. I want them to nourish their bodies well. I hope they see all of this modeled and put it into action in their own lives!”

How does RTC help you do this? RTC helps me in so many ways! They provide a kids class for my children to learn how to be strong themselves! My kids are loved everytime they walk through the doors of RTC so it’s a place they want to be! RTC has taught me how to eat well through their nutrition coaching and how to be strong through their amazing coaches and classes. The kids get to see all of that! They know once the loud music comes on that people will be doing really hard things and having fun doing it. They can’t wait until they are old enough to be a part of the classes!

Halie Harris
Kids:  Isla (1)
“I want to be able to spend as much time and years as I can with her, and I know that my health is at the forefront of that.”

How does RTC help you do this? Always pushing me to limits I would not have gotten to without a supportive community of other members & coaches!

Michelle Hout
Kids:  Twins Graciana (6), Michael (6)
“I want to incorporate healthy living as a lifestyle they know as “normal.”  They too carry on that lifestyle because it is what they will grow up knowing.”

How does RTC help you do this? Allowing my children a space to be in while I workout; I believe childcare is the #1 hindrance to moms getting to the gym. At RTC, I can appreciate the ease of just bringing them with me.

Steph Irwin
Kids:  Cory (27), Emma (24), Aubrey (22)
“I’ve always loved working out with Emma and watching her strength and confidence grow over the years!”

How does RTC help you do this? RTC gives us the opportunity to do partner workouts together, have a little “friendly” competition, and continually push each other to be our best!

Nour Kelly
Kids:  Sophia (1)
“I have always had a bad relationship with food attached to emotional eating. I have always struggled with weight and I want my Sophia to see what a healthy lifestyle with food and working out can do to your mind and body. Not just focusing on food as a relationship to your emotional struggles but using food as fuel and you’re working out to help with all areas of life!”

How does RTC help you do this? I love being a part of this positive community. I have established lifelong friendships all set around fitness and feeling good about oneself not just physically but emotionally.

Sam Ledford
Kids:  Delainey (8), Audrey (5), Cora (3)
“My kids watch and emulate every single thing I do (even when I wish they wouldn’t) so it’s important to me to be an example of strong and healthy for them, rather than them just hearing words. Being a mom to three girls, I want them to learn very early on that women are allowed to be strong and have minds of their own. I also want them to learn that making your health a priority isn’t selfish- it’s necessary.”

How does RTC help you do this? RTC has helped me realize how strong I actually am mentally and physically. I’ve gained the confidence to show them that I can do hard things and encourage them to do the same. My girls get to come and watch me workout alongside so many other incredibly strong women who are examples for them to look up to and who have become like a family to them and love them just as much as I do.

Sara Lynn
Kids:  Joseph (13), Colton (4)
“To show them how to live a healthy life, make good life choices, and to be able to keep up with them.”

How does RTC help you do this? RTC helps me stay active, lose weight, work on getting fit. Extra helpful by having a wide variety of times available to work out to fit my family schedule, also affords me the opportunity to bring the kids with me instead of having to worry about childcare.

Stephanie Margaritakis
Kids:  Nicholas (19), Aristotle (17)
“To set a good example of health & fitness, to be able to do things with them and be around for a long time!!”

How does RTC help you do this? With ALL the things we do, functional fitness keeps me in the best shape to be able to do everything with my kids!

Angela Miller
Kids:  Gianna (12), Joshua (9), Amalie (7), Octavia (4), Leo (1)
“I want to be able to enjoy my time with them and have as much of that time as possible! I want to model a healthy lifestyle and sense of confidence and physical capability for them. I want them to see balance and know how to prioritize taking care of themselves physically, mentally, and spiritually. I want them to see me trying hard things, learning new things, recovering from failures, and celebrating wins.”

How does RTC help you do this? RTC challenges me and supports me in becoming my best self. It gives me the tools and accountability I need for growth in an environment that is nonjudgmental, family friendly, and fun. I have never felt pushed to be someone that I am not, only encouraged to see possibility and  pursue with consistency who I want to be.

Steph Miller
Kids:  Jax (9), Zoe (5), Wyatt (3)
“Because these people seem to need to hang on me and they just keep getting bigger and heavier. Also, the healthier I am the longer I will live in order to annoy them as an adult. I cannot wait.”

How does RTC help you do this? Working out at RTC helps me manage my stress so I can be more patient with these monsters.

Christina Paskiet
Kids:  Lucas (9), Emily (7)
“It’s important to show them that fitness is important and fun! (It’s also important if I want to keep up with them!)”

How does RTC help you do this? All the coaches are super supportive, and the schedule is flexible.  So I can drop in when I have time, even if that time changes every week.

Lauren Powell
Kids:  Collin (2)
“It is important to be strong and healthy to show Collin that being active and staying active is important, not only for maintaining physical well being, but mental well being as well. Kids mimic what they see and I want him to grow up and have a role model to look up to and be proud of. I think it is important to show Collin that it is also okay to step out of his comfort zone and experience new things like I did with RTC Fitness.”

How does RTC help you do this? RTC Fitness has changed my life for the better. The coaches have pushed me out of my comfort zone and challenged me to be a better version of myself. I am doing things physically and mentally I did not know I was capable of.

Jenna Reynolds
Kids:  Riley (7), Corrina (3)
“Model healthy lifestyle for my kids showing what a healthy self image is. Committing to make themselves better every day and coming back even though so many things (like workouts) or life can be disappointing. Work through the tough days and enjoy the good ones. Surround yourself with a community of support. It is important that throughout life, we need support and each other. The gym community is a great example of that.”

How does RTC help you do this? Modeling a healthy lifestyle by allowing our kids to come to the gym and see their parents workout. Even though they are watching their iPad, TV, or literally pulling every toy out of the bin, they still see us workout. I think modeling healthy talk about workouts. Talking about being proud of the things we accomplish, pushing ourselves in wods, and when frustrated, show we do not just give up. We go back, and we try again. Lastly, the people. I think the events involving the kids were great. Halloween prior to pandemic was so great! Cross fit kids classes. Steph M and Coach Jenny are AMAZING with the kiddos. They always take time out to interact with the kids. All kids want is time and connection. I am so grateful for the members and the staff that do that consistently. It really makes a huge difference.

Brittany Scheeff
Kids:  Caden (13), Kennedy (5), Rosalie (3), Beckley (7 months)
“I want my kids to see that exercise and healthy eating isn’t a punishment, but rather a way of life.  I want to stay strong and healthy for them so that I can be around when they have kids of their own.”

How does RTC help you do this? The encouragement of everyone at RTC has been incredible.  I was in a rough spot after having the last baby.  I had lost all motivation and was in a state of constant exhaustion.  I needed a change in my life, so I left my former gym and discovered RTC.  This has been one of the most positive changes I’ve made in my life in quite some time. 

Mandi Snyder
Kids:  Devin (23), Joshua (22), Kaeleb (17), Toby (15), Zachariah (12)
“It’s important to me because I lost my mom when I was only 36 due to something that was completely preventable (lung cancer from smoking). It has been the hardest thing of my life to not have my mother here….I don’t ever want to prematurely put my kids in this position for lack of taking care of myself. I want them to be able to see me grow old.”

How does RTC help you do this? RTC is helping me physically and mentally by creating challenging programming but also an environment that helps you believe you can achieve success. Thru the support of the other members and the coaches I find myself pushing outside of my comfort zone to do hard things. I’m becoming stronger, fitter, less anxious, and have a healthy outlet for all the stress a working mom experiences.

Kenzie Szczepaniak
Kids:  Nora (4)
“To set an example for my daughter to lead a healthy lifestyle…for her to know that women are STRONG and we can do anything we set our minds to…so I can say “Yes!” anytime she asks me to run around and play.”

How does RTC help you do this? RTC is incredibly family oriented, everybody loves our kiddos like they are their own. Miss Jenny, Allie, and Steph M do amazing work with our daughter in the CrossFit Kids class. Nora talks about CrossFit Kids & the gym in general all the time. She loves being there and it’s our home away from home.

Holly Thomas
Kids:  Quin (6)
“I’ve started writing this several times now. I’ve started with saying I want to be a role model for Quin, but it’s so much more than that. It’s ALL the things. I want to be there for her. I not only want to keep up with her but I want her to want to keep up with me!! I want to show her that you’re never done growing. It’s important for me to know that I have instilled healthy habits in her so she can make her own healthy decisions.  I want Quin to know she can do anything when she puts her mind to it. I want her to see the power of having the right people supporting you. I want her to see me struggle with something and not give up.  I want her to know women can be strong and beautiful as we are being strong! I want her to see strong women support other women!  And most importantly I want her to grow old gracefully and strong!”

How does RTC help you do this? Quin is submerged in positivity the minute she walks in the door at RTC! She sees happy people achieving their goals alongside of other happy people supporting them. The kids class allows Quin to be active and learn functional fitness at such a young age! I couldn’t ask for a better place to give Quin!! 

Jerrica Thomas
Kids:  Quin (6)
“Strength is both internal and external. The mental strength to try something new, and the physical strength to accomplish that new thing, are challenges we continue to do as adults, but learn our approach as a child. Being an example of how to approach and tackle new challenges is an opportunity that can’t be ignored as a parent. Also, having lost a parent at 16, it is important to me to be healthy to ensure I am here to see and share all the wonderful moments in Quin’s life. I want her to be able to turn to me any time she needs me. Whether she needs me to kiss a boo boo, wipe her tears, push her car up a hill when she runs out of gas.”

How does RTC help you do this? RTC has provided me the opportunity to transform. To erase bad habits, learn new skills, and physically challenge myself with my daughter as the audience. It also allows her the opportunity to tackle the same movements, with the same equipment, in the same building, with me as the audience. Being a part of the same “FitFam” , making friends in a healthy environment that is FILLED with smiles and encouragement will be the groundwork for her future relationship with her own friends, and with herself.

Jen Williams
Kids:  Maria (19), Taylor (19), Lyndsie (16)
“Women’s bodies are wild!! Not only can we handle 9 months of carrying another human, but we birth one out at the end of those 9 months. If our body can do that, we can do anything we put our minds to! I want to show them that being strong is so rewarding! And, I’d like to be in good health and fit when they decide to have kids! Grandkids is strange to think about now…but one day I will be so ready!!”

How does RTC help you do this? The positive attitudes our coaches have has such a huge impact on my day. They push me to be better when I don’t think I can be…Just like I do to my kids!!! Keeping me safe while lifting and making sure my form is correct will help me keep from injuries so I can keep up on this journey!

Amanda Hone
Kids:  Emma (13), Easton (6)
“To be the best I can be for them! They also need to know how important your health is and how fun it can be to stay healthy & strong!”

How does RTC help you do this? RTC understands. Families, work, and literally just the chaos of everyday life! They know how important it is to be healthy and find time for it. RTC gives us everything we need. From classes, at home workouts, & 24/7 access. We can bring our kids! Just the constant support inside and outside of the gym!