Clocking Time With…Jeanine & Devin Booker

Get to Know Jeanine and Devin Booker RTC February Members of the Month!

What the Bookers Love About RTC!

Jeanine and Devin have been members for a little over three years.  When their previous gym moved locations, they were looking for a “family friendly” gym, and it was love at first sight when they took a tour of RTC!  “We loved that we could bring our kids and they would be in our sight at all times,” says Jeanine. “We love everything about RTC!  The facility, the people, the coaches, the fun community events…we look forward to spending an hour with our friends here!”  Both Jeanine and Devin agree that it is a combination of all these aspects that have helped them both meet their fitness goals.  “We love hanging out with our fit friends and suffering together,” says Jeanine.  “Good music, great coaching, and a strong community keep us coming back!”

Fitness is definitely a family affair for the Bookers.  Jeanine and Devin were both track athletes in college, and started doing CrossFit before they had kids.  “Doing active things together” has always been an important part of their relationship, so it’s no surprise that their boys, Blake and Brycen, are following in their footsteps by participating in the CrossFit Kids program and playing a variety of sports outside of the gym.  “Before they started taking classes, they were mimicking us by attempting clean & jerks in the yard with rakes,” says Jeanine, “and in the winter we would set up stations around the house for them to do different exercises.”  She adds, “Since starting the kids program, they continue to love exercising, and are eager to learn more.  It’s really cool to see the skills they learn in CF Kids translate to the football field, the basketball court, or whatever sport they are into.  Mentally, they have become more confident in their physical ability to engage in other sports because they have built a strong base of athleticism here at RTC.”

Get to Know Jeanine and Devin!

Both Jeanine and Devin graduated from The University of Akron, Devin earning a BS in Mechanical Engineering, and Jeanine earning a BA in Communications and a masters in Sports Science and Coaching.  Devin currently works as a Manufacturing Engineering Manager at Babcock and Wilcox, and Jeanine works as a photographer and CrossFit Kids coach.  Their boys, Blake and Brycen, are ages nine and seven, respectively.  Devin also has a daughter, Nala, age 23, who lives in Columbus.  The Bookers have “one pet left,” a fish.  While the boys often ask for another pet, Jeanine says “they have yet to pick up any dog poop on the occasion we dog sit for their grandmother.”  Apparently, though, the boys are very good at “petting the dog.”  

Fun Facts about the Bookers!

Favorite exercise: 

Devin: Hang power snatch

Jeanine: Power clean & jerk

Least favorite exercise: 

Devin: Wall Walks

Jeanine: Thrusters

Favorite movie:  

Devin: Maverick or Inglorious Bastards

Jeanine: The Holiday

Best vacation spot: 

Treasure Island/Indian Shores, FL as a family 

Germany/Europe as an adult vacation

People would be surprised to know that:  

Devin: Devin speaks German and lived in Germany for six months

Jeanine: Jeanine competed on the high school boys pole vaulting team because it was not an official event for women at the time

Something that always makes me smile:  

Devin: My wife’s sense of humor

Jeanine: Devin’s sarcasm

A goal I’m working on is: 

Devin: Maximizing my health, eating cleaner, increasing my cardio capacity, losing a few pounds

Jeanine: Improving my cardio endurance, and I secretly want to do a ring muscle up again (I’ve done just one in the past)

The quality I most admire about my partner is:

Devin: Her physical and mental toughness, as well as her ambition

Jeanine: Devin can always make me laugh and he’s such a great dad!

How we celebrate Valentine’s Day:  

Jeanine reports that Devin and the boys spoil her “with random things they find at the store the day before Valentine’s Day.”  She says they do manage to get her favorite chocolates!

Congratulations to Jeanine and Devin Booker, the RTC February Members of the Month!